FedEx Ground Home Delivery for Every Single Day of the Week


Tennessee-based logistics company FedEx Corporation announced that its subsidiary FedEx Ground will deliver to residential locations seven days a week, starting in January 2020. This move will allow businesses to keep up with the upward trend of parcel shipments from e-commerce initiatives.

To date, retailers are shipping parcels of various sizes from socks to big screen TVs. FedEx’s operational facility investment in accommodating large package deliveries will help to alleviate bottlenecks.

“Expanding our operations to include Sunday residential deliveries further increases our ability to meet the demands of e-commerce shippers and online shoppers.”
– FedEx President and COO Raj Subramaniam


What FedEx’s shipping transformation means for your business:

  1. Stay competitive among [e-commerce] retailers by adopting FedEx as a shipping carrier its services as options for your customers
  2. Gain opportunities for your business to better serve your customers and increase your average customer lifetime value
  3. Take advantage of more efficient and potentially cheaper shipping services due to the elimination of passing off shipments to the U.S. Postal Service

With FedEx Ground’s expansion in delivering packages to residential locations during the weekend, companies that execute the service seven days a week can demonstrate to consumers that they are ready to serve their needs on any day.

Integrate FedEx and its services in ShipERP, the dedicated SAP shipping software to stay on top in the competition for dedicated customers within your industry. ShipERP is a FedEx Compatible partner dedicated to improving the shipping needs of FedEx customers.

Learn more about how ShipERP can help 

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