Pro Tips on What Successful SAP Functional Analysts Do on Mondays

Start your work week on the right foot with tips from successful SAP functional analysts.

Do you get a bad case of Monday blues?

According to a 2020 study, 62% of over 1,000 full-time employees dread Monday the most, out of all the days of the week. With a game plan to tackle your Monday blues, you’ll be sure to overcome this challenge.

Our SAP functional analysts at ShipERP share their tips and tricks for starting off the week positively!

Q&A SAP Functional Analysts

What does a typical Monday of SAP Functional Analysts look like?

Our customers at ShipERP are headquartered worldwide, and the locations of our SAP functional analysts reflect that! Even though some analysts have an earlier head start to their week, our analysts generally have similar Mondays. Let’s peek into their typical Monday schedule.

  • 7:00 a.m.: Drink a caffeinated beverage such as coffee for a boost of energy
  • 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Check and follow up on emails. Doing so helps to organize their to-do list for the day and/or week
  • 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Tackle urgent project deliverables and attend online meetings with clients and/or internal team members
  • 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.: Enjoy lunch! (Due to COVID-19, our SAP functional analysts are available to take their lunch with their families while working from home.)
  • 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.: Continue to complete the tasks on their to-do list and attend online meetings


What does a Monday morning look like to successful SAP Functional Analysts before they start work?

With many employees working from home, our SAP functional analysts have more time in the morning to pump themselves up for the long day, or even just to sleep in a little longer. A morning routine is just as important as a to-do list for work, especially when it can set you up for a successful Monday. So, make sure to wake up early enough to just jump start your day!

Here’s what a typical Monday morning looks like:

  • Get a caffeinated boost, like coffee or tea, to kick start your day (we recommend a flat cortado if you have an espresso machine)
  • Complete a workout to get you warmed up and ready to tackle your tasks
  • Meditate to ease your mind into the workday
  • Listen to cheerful music to avoid falling back asleep
  • Take care of your personal tasks like getting your child ready for school or setting food out for your pet(s) before shifting gears for work

“I wake up early to have enough time for my morning routine – make bed, exercise, shower and breakfast. I do quick workouts at home to get my endorphins pumping. I am not a coffee person so my morning kick would be a hot fruit tea or a refreshing smoothie.” - April del Rosario, Business Analyst Team Lead

How do SAP Functional Analysts stay motivated through Monday?

Maintaining motivation to push through and finish Monday on a strong note is crucial in setting the tone for the rest of your work week. Learn how to stay motivated with these tips and tricks from our SAP functional analysts:

  • Schedule your Monday to-do list on the Friday before to avoid dreading the workday
  • Push back non-urgent tasks for later in the week to avoid a heavy workload on Monday
  • Plan something to look forward to once your Monday workday is over, like a good dinner, a hangout with friends/family, or a TV series to binge-watch
  • Listen to podcasts to make your workday move faster (our analyst Leo listens to Tim Ferriss and Asian Efficiency on Mondays)

“Talking with my family always motivates me to finish the day.”

-    Shekhar Saseendran

How do SAP Functional Analysts stay focused throughout Mondays?

With tricks to keep you motivated to finish Monday, you need some ways to focus on the tasks at hand during your workday. Our SAP functional analysts rely on to-do lists to organize their day, but here are some extra things they do to concentrate on work:

  • Make sure your inbox is clean by moving emails to relevant subfolders once the task for the email is complete
  • Reward yourself with mini breaks in between tasks and/or work hours
  • Checkmark tasks on your to-do list as you complete them to feel accomplished
  • Prioritize your tasks by urgency and/or level of effort required to complete the task


“I plan my Mondays on the previous Fridays, so I’m not overwhelmed with where to start. I set out blocks of time where I’m focused on the task at hand and then reward myself with small breaks. For example, I work 45 minutes straight and then play with my new puppy for a few minutes.”

-    Ralph Selga

What advice do SAP Functional Analysts have for starting the week positively?

It’s important to start your Monday well to positively influence the rest of your week. If you have a bad Monday, you don’t want that negativity to spill over onto the next day! Our analysts believe in positive thinking throughout Monday and enjoying a relaxing weekend prior to the start of the week to help combat Monday blues.
ShipERP’s successful functional analysts love to:

  • Unplug and recharge on the weekends! Nothing is worse than getting through Monday half-asleep, so get a good night sleep on Sunday evening
  • Catch up with friends and family
  • Eat your favorite foods on the weekend; have a well-deserved treat
  • Review some small accomplishments from the prior week
  • If the weather permits, go on a hike with some friends and/or family 
  • Try cooking or baking a new recipe (we recommend making a cheesecake, it’s easier than it seems!)

"While I create my to-do list, I mark down my top three topics that I want to close that week and make sure I complete those. By next week's review of my tasks, I take a note of my quick wins to start my Monday on a high note." - Leo Gift, Senior Business Analyst

Did you find any tips to incorporate in your Monday routine from our SAP functional analysts? We hope that you’re able to discover what works best for you to start your work week positively and productively. No need to dread Mondays anymore!


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