How to Justify Your Carrier Rate Shopping SaaS Investment

Re-strategize your supply chain processes to save shipping rate costs by carrier rate shopping on the cloud-based software! Regardless of how big or small your business is, transform your logistics to be cheaper, faster, and scalable with a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution. 

There’s one thing businesses of all sizes have in common: to reduce unnecessary costs while improving their bottom line. In the supply chain department, shipping costs may be one of the easiest places to find cost-saving opportunities. 

Let’s start somewhere at the beginning of the shipping process! Before you even ship, you must choose the best carrier service to pick-up and deliver your shipments. However, freight rating is very dynamic. Cloud software will help maintain your freight information for an easier experience with freight rating! 

But when you conduct multi-carrier rate shopping on cloud-computing, you’re guaranteed that every shipping strategy decision is a good one. But you better hurry! Your competitors are sure to hop on this trend as well. 


What are the Benefits of a Multi-Carrier Rate Shopping Software? 

Take a hard look at your shipping costs. Are you losing customers because of the high prices? Customers value how cheap and fast they can get your shipments. About 63% of online shoppers abandon their carts because the shipping costs are too much. 

Why are these costs too high? In general, many carriers have different charges throughout the year to adjust for peak season like the holidays. In addition, many carriers increase their overall carrier rates each year. If you’re sticking to select carriers, you’re under-utilizing smaller, regional carriers that can get the job done just as well as national ones without the high price tag. 

So, gain a competitive edge with a broader range of delivery options, like Weekend Delivery or Same-Day Delivery, to retain customer loyalty. With your multi-carrier rate shopping strategy, you’ll get the best value with every shipment. 

5 Key Deliverables of a Robust Carrier Rate Shopping Software: 

  • Compare a broad range of carrier services in real-time 
  • Easily adjust your requirements and conditions for carrier comparisons
  • Integrate with your e-commerce system
  • Gain carrier discounts to save shipping costs
  • Manage your shipments in a centralized dashboard 

6 carrier rate shopping benefits you can enjoy on cloud software


What are the Benefits of Carrier Rate Shopping on Cloud Software? 

To businesses, using cloud computing means storing and managing your business data on the internet, which significantly cuts costs for in-house data storage. Without in-house systems, devices can easily access this data anywhere and anytime. 

SaaS solution promises you the flexibility your supply chain needs to save time and money, as well as improve agility. Because cloud computing houses all your data and processes on the web, SaaS products enable you to pay on an as-needed basis. Additionally, the SaaS applications can scale up or down, depending on your overall usage, business requirements, and company growth. 

Overall, SaaS version of software is the best choice for businesses of all sizes! Small companies and medium-sized enterprises may find this option appealing as a long-term IT investment to scale as their business grows. 

6 Carrier Rate Shopping Benefits You Can Enjoy on Cloud Software (SaaS): 

  • Carrier rate shop anytime and anywhere from any device thanks to cloud technical capabilities 
  • Never worry about waiting for maintenance or upgrades to finish to continue rate shopping 
  • Cloud shipping software facilitates seamless movement of shipment records 
  • Quick deployment of cloud product to access carrier rate shopping
  • Connect with suppliers, carriers, and customers with minimal effort
  • Enable flexible scaling for carrier rate shopping as your business grows and adjusts to new levels 


How to Justify Shipping Carrier Rate Shop on Cloud Computing Investment 

It’s not an easy decision to deploy cloud software. Transitioning to a SaaS solution is still a hefty cost initially, and it makes any decision-maker hesitate regardless of how much it can save you in the long run. And so, it can take you some time and effort to get the rest of your company’s key decision-makers on board with the project. 

Take your time to build a strong business case for cloud computing software for your supply chain. With enough support, grow your company to greater heights! Here are some reasons rate shop with SaaS is the key to your supply chain success: 

Significantly Save Business and Shipping Costs 

Cloud products enable a pay-as-needed basis! Generally, subscription-based cloud software allows for predictable and regular payments. You won’t be incurring unexpected costs out of anywhere! Combined with a multi-carrier rate shopping strategy, you’ll avoid paying expensive shipping costs as well. 

Easy and Seamless Installation 

Transitioning your data to a SaaS system takes a shorter amount of time than to an on-premise platform. With on-premise software, each physical server and/or computer needs an individual and manual installation. Gain multi-carrier rate shopping for your supply chain as soon as possible! 

Improved Accessibility and Collaboration 

No longer tethered to your desk, you and other end-users can access data and carrier rate shopping anywhere. As long as you can access a web browser on any device, your supply chain team can access your shipping data on the road, home, and anywhere else! This ability opens greater opportunities for collaboration between your team, suppliers, and more. 

Improved Flexibility for Critical Upgrades and Maintenance 

With a cloud software, maintenance and upgrades are easier to roll out its new features for faster access. Thanks to SaaS model flexibility, your supply chain processes continue to run multi-carrier rate shopping and other functions as usual. 


If you’re not thinking about multi-carrier rate shopping on cloud computing yet, it’s time you do so! Build a convincing business case based on all the benefits and return on investment above to grow your business. 

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